Saying thank you

During an insightful event at Impact Hub Basel I learned more about the five inner development goals:
1. Being. Relationship to self including self awareness and presence.
2. Thinking. Cognitive skills including sense-making and critical thinking.
3. Relating. Caring for others and the world.
4. Collaborating. Social skills including communication skills.
5. Acting. Enabling change including creative thinking and courage.

What stands out for me from the event are a 2 minute breathing exercise as well as the two words “appreciation” and “forgiveness”.

Breathing exercise
Mauricio Campos Suarez encouraged us to do two minutes of breathing. Also, he suggested that we do more conscious breathing in our lives, for example before we have interactions with other people. Some additional breathing exercises.

A powerful exercise was shared by Mauricio Campos Suarez as well as Philip Atkinson: Try finishing an event, a meeting or another group interaction by encouraging everyone to express appreciation for something that happened at the event. Almost with guarantee, this exercise will have a positive impact on more or less all five inner development goals. Some additional thankfulness exercises.

During the event Mauricio Campos Suarez brought forward the word forgiveness. Following that, I remember that the word “acceptance” was mentioned by Elif KuÅŸ Saillard. The first thought that struck me in this regard was the ego in us, which lead us to, for example, compete with others, wanting to be better than others, earn more money than other people, exploit other people and/or have power over others. In this regard, I heard Danilo Seabra and Thea Morris share challenging work experiences that caused pain / suffering for people.

The next thought that struck me was what I learned doing theology research the past five weeks: Human beings commit sins and need forgiveness for sins. Why do we need to forgive and be forgiven? The first thing that came into my mind is that we need emotional healing. I recall that Elif KuÅŸ Saillard also mentioned the word “understanding.”

To have conversations about these highly important issues include for me the need to use not only my mind brain but also my heart brain and my stomach brain. In this regard, I found it beneficial that Mauricio Campos Suarez put flowers right in the center of the workshop circle.

Thank you everyone for a wonderful moment of sharing, caring and high value creation.

Published by

Frank Calberg

Curious person.

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