What are examples of outdates passages in the Bible?

  1. Slavery
    The Bible contains passages about laws that regulate slavery – including how slaves can be acquired and how they should be treated. Examples: Ephesians 6:5, Exodus 21:20-21 and Colossians 3:22. As slavery is now universally recognized as a violation of human rights, these passages are clearly outdated and totally unacceptable by today’s moral standards.
  2. Descriptions of physical phenomena
    The Bible contains passages that describe physical phenomena in ways that are now known to be incorrect. For example, the Bible says that the Earth is flat and that the sun revolves around the Earth. These descriptions are now known to be inaccurate, as the Earth is a sphere and the sun is the center of our solar system.
  3. Treatment of women
    Certain passages in the Bible instruct women to be submissive / subordinate to men. Examples: 1 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Timothy 2:12-14. These passages are viewed as problematic by advocates of gender equality.
  4. Violence, punishments and laws
    There are numerous accounts of warfare and violence in the Bible, often attributed to divine commands or approval. And in the Old Testament, there are passages that prescribe severe punishments for various offenses, including death by stoning. Examples: Joshua 6:20-21. 1 Samuel 15:3. Leviticus 20:10. Deuteronomy 21:18-21. These laws are outdated and not in line with contemporary ethical standards.
  5. Treatment of non-believers
    Some passages in the Bible express strong language against non-believers or followers of other religions. Examples: Psalm 14:1 and John 14:6.


Published by

Frank Calberg

Curious person. frankcalberg.com

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