What are the best examples and arguments proving that singing is a great way to manage emotions?

The best examples and arguments proving that singing is a great way to manage emotions:

1. Singing helps us express emotions we feel
Singing allows us to express emotions, we feel, in a free, creative safe and healthy way. When we sing about emotions, we feel, we give them a voice. This can help us to understand emotions, we feel, even better and make sense of them. As the human voice is unique to each of us, singing allows us to create a powerful connection between emotions and sound. When we sing with feeling, we are essentially releasing our emotions. This can help us to feel better and to move on from difficult emotions.

2. Singing helps to reduce stress
When we sing, our bodies release endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that have mood-boosting effects and are known as “feel-good” hormones. Endorphins can help reduce stress. Throughout the history of humans, music has helped us reduce stress. For example, music can help us feel present in the moment, promote relaxation and as been used throughout human history to help cope with emotions and stress, breathe better and thereby feel calm.

3. Singing can help us to connect with ourselves
When we sing, we tap into our own creativity and expression. This can help us to connect with our true selves and to feel more whole.

4. Singing helps us connect with other people
Singing with other people can strengthen connection and create an environment, where people feel understood as well as accepted.

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Published by

Frank Calberg

Curious person. frankcalberg.com

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